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In the wake of COVID-19, work from home is being touted as the future of our workforce and for many, it just might be.
One of the things I love most about the recruitment industry is the relationships and people-focus. I think it's how we do our job best, so I am going to be upfront and say that video interviewing isn’t my favourite piece of technology. But, as with all tech, there is a place and time for it.
Reference checking is often seen as a tick-a-box process, but it can be so much more; a chance to get real insights into your candidate, help you deliver a great onboarding experience, and even put the referee into a talent pool for a future role.
Recruitment and HR are becoming increasingly automated, with many companies realising the benefits of robotic process automation technology. Recruitment technology, or 'rec tech', is an exciting space that is constantly evolving, and the possibilities seem endless.